Thursday, January 17, 2019

Simbang Gabi 2018 2: The Lion of the Tribe of Judah

DECEMBER 17, 2018

JESUS, I trust in you!

Advent makes a significant turn today. From being a preparation for the Lord’s 2nd coming, today it becomes a direct preparation for Christmas. And our journey towards the day of the Lord’s Nativity begins with the famous genealogy of the Lord Jesus. To many young people, the reading today may sound boring. After all, it is just a list of names of the human ancestors of the Lord. This is how it seems to be because we never made the serious effort to know the stories beyond the names. If only we made that effort, we will find out that these ancestors led very colorful and intriguing lives. Let us take Judah for example.

Jacob wanted to marry Rachel and worked for it for 7 years but later on was deceived by Lot to marry the elder sister Leah. And so, Jacob had to work for another 7 years to take the younger Rachel for his bride. Of course when they were married at last, Jacob showed preference for Rachel whom he loved more than Leah. The Lord saw this and so he favored Leah and Rachel did not bear children.  Leah bore Jacob his first 3 sons and she thought that she will be loved on account of them. But still she did not earn her husband’s love. When she gave birth to her 4th son, Leah said, “This time I will praise the Lord.” She named him “Judah” meaning “praise” or “thanksgiving.”

The Book of Genesis today tells us that Judah was destined to be great among the sons of Jacob. He was destined to be the ancestor of the Israelite kings. He rose in leadership because his 3 elder brothers were disqualified on account of sexual misconduct of Reuben and the bloody revenge by Simeon and Levi. Jacob blessed Judah in the presence of his brothers: “The sons of your father shall bow down to you…Judah crouches like a lion recumbent – the king of beasts.” The fourth son of the unloved wife will be the ancestor of King David…and later on of Jesus. Jesus was the son of David, the son of Judah, the son of Abraham.

God prepared the family to which Jesus will be born in a truly amazing way. If we look at the lives of each ancestor of the Lord, we will discover very scandalous cases. Tamar’s relation with Judah was illicit because she was his daughter-in-law. At the very root itself, we find the defects of the tree. No wonder David’s kingly line will emerge from an illicit affair with Uriah’s wife which eventually led to murder. Kung ano ang puno siya ang bunga.

If this were true of Judah and David, how could Jesus have emerged unaffected by the “sins of his fathers?” The answer is rather simple. Look at the end of the genealogy. It spoke of Joseph not as the father of Jesus but as the husband of Mary. We all know that St. Joseph was not the biological father of Jesus. He stood as the legal father of Jesus but never was he Jesus’ biological father. “Joseph was the husband of Mary. Of her was born Jesus who is called the Christ.” Jesus did not inherit the generational sins of his family. He is the seed of the woman. Jesus was born to redeem the sins of his people…but first of all the sins of his ancestors.

Sometimes we wonder why we have become what we are. It is important to look at our personal lineage (angkan). To understand ourselves, we need to look at the ancestors who came before us. Traits are inherited and so are sins and defects. (This is true even biologically as there are families that are prone to certain diseases…we always say that it runs in the family.) Sometimes, we suffer the curses incurred by our ancestors. However, we should never feel helplessly trapped in this situation. There is a way out. As Jesus cleansed his own family with his own blood, so also should we ask him to cleanse our family with his blood. With faith in our Lord and in his Blessed Mother, we must ask that the Cross be placed between us and any unhealthy relationships.

The genealogy of Jesus shows us that the Lord hails from a royal line. The Kingship of Jesus gives fulfillment to the blessing of Jacob for Judah. Jesus is the powerful King who defeats the enemy. He is the Lion of the tribe of Judah who has conquered and destroyed the work of the devil. If only we put our faith in him and have recourse to the Church which is his Kingdom of earth, we can rise from the faults of our fallen generation. Faith in Christ empowers us in this spiritual battle. Jesus is the Father’s gift to fallen humanity. In Jesus, we are beloved by God.

O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee!

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