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God is Love: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit |
Jesus, I trust in you!
It is disturbing to know that
many acts of terrorism today are done in the name of God. Apparently,
terrorists think that if they burn churches and kill unbelievers, they are
doing the will of God. But this deception comes from a false notion of who God is.
On this Solemnity of the Holy Trinity, the word of God proclaims to us that the
one true God is the God of love. On Mt. Sinai, God revealed himself to Moses:
“The Lord, the Lord, a merciful God, slow to anger and rich in kindness and
fidelity.” This revelation runs contrary to our common perception of a God who
is always angry and relentless in his cruelty. St. Paul tells the Corinthians
that God is the “God of love and peace” who commands us to “encourage one
another, agree with one another, and live in peace.” God does not hate the
earth. He does not want it condemned nor destroyed. Instead, “God so loved the
world that he gave his Only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not
perish but might have eternal life.”
Take note that he does not threaten:
“Believe or be killed.” Rather, the peril of death is already present on
account of our sin. “This is indeed a stiff-necked people.” Our stubbornness in
sin is the real culprit…it is the reason we die. Violence does not come from
God. Hatred does not come from God. Terrorism does not come from God. War does
not come from God. It comes from sin. Our Lady said at Fatima: “War is a
punishment for sins.” Contrary to what pagans believe, there is no god of war.
The only true God is the God of love and peace.
God does not want us to perish.
He wants us to have eternal life because he loves us. This is why he sent his
Son. He did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the
world through him might be saved. God sent his Son to offer us a way out of the
condemnation that the world has brought upon itself. All we have to do is to
believe in his Son so that we may not be condemned. He who does not believe in
Jesus remains in his sins. He remains condemned.
There will be war as long as
people do not know the Blessed Trinity. Violence and hatred will remain so long
as the world does not know the God of love and peace. The God of love is the
Blessed Trinity. “God is Love: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.” (CCC, 257.) In
the inner life of God is a great mystery of communion in love: the Father loves
the Son in that Fount of Love who is the Holy Spirit. And this Love is so great
and powerful that the Blessed Trinity reveals himself wherever there is love. St.
Augustine said: “Where there is love, there is a Trinity: a Lover, a Beloved,
and a Fountain of Love.” St. Francis of Assisi used to lament: “Love is not
known. Love is not loved.” The world continues to live under the threat of violence
because Love is not known and loved. The world will not be at peace until it
knows and loves the Blessed Trinity. Therefore, let us make Love known. “Mend
your ways, encourage one another, live in peace and the God of love and peace
will be with you…The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the
communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all.”
Glory be to the Father, and to
the Son, and to the Holy Spirit as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever
shall be world without end. Amen.
O Mary conceived without sin,
pray for us who have recourse to thee!
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