May 5, 2019
Jesus, I trust in you!
Unlike the other disciples who ran
away when Jesus was arrested in the garden, Simon Peter had the courage to
follow Jesus until the house of the high priest. But when he saw Jesus being
beaten up by the temple guards, somehow his faith faltered. Three times he was
questioned by the servants of the high priest about his association of Jesus
and to all of them, he had only one answer: “I do not know him.” Then the cock
crowed as Jesus warned him at the last supper. I find the crowing of the cock
very significant because it marked the end of the night and the coming of the
day. During the supper, Judas left the room and the writer was quick to add:
“It was night.” It was not simply a reference of time. Rather, it also meant
that it was the hour of darkness, the hour of Satan, the prince of the world.
And on that night, Jesus’s disciples fell: first was Judas, then the others who
fled, then, just as the night was about to end, Peter was the last to fall.
Then the cock crowed.

They found Jesus preparing
breakfast for them at the shore. Here was the Lord whom they abandoned. They
could have eaten a scolding for breakfast but they did not hear any reproach
from the Lord. Instead, he told them, “Bring some of the fish you just caught.”
He allowed them the opportunity to make up for their cowardice. He allowed them
to bring him something which in truth, he gave them. His command enabled them
to catch fish. Now, they are to offer him what they caught. It was an act of
reparation. Eating breakfast together became an act of reconciliation after
everything that happened in the middle of the night.
Then, Jesus turned towards Peter
and three times, he asked the same question: “Simon, son of John, do you love
me more than these?” As the servants of the high priest questioned Peter three
times about his relation with Jesus, so now, Jesus questions Peter about his
love: “Do you love me?” It was painful for Peter to be reminded of his denial.
But the questions of the Lord were not meant to shame or hurt him. Jesus gave
Peter the opportunity to rise from where he has fallen. As the adulterous woman
met in Jesus the God of second chances, so now Peter meets the same God. All he
had to do was to say “Yes, Lord, you know everything. You know that I love
you.” That was enough. As the repentant prodigal son was welcomed, clothed and
fed, so now, Peter was received, fed (with breakfast), and clothed with
authority. The prodigal son was clothed with a robe and Peter was told: “Feed
my lambs.” The prodigal son was given sandals to wear and Peter was told: “Tend
my sheep.” A ring was placed on the prodigal son’s finger and Peter was told: “Feed
my sheep.” Peter will now be catching men and his preaching will never be fruitless.
His nets will always be full. He will no longer deny our Lord. Instead, he will
boldly declare to the high priest: “The God of our ancestors raised Jesus,
though you had killed him, hanging him on a tree.” Peter will declare what he
himself received from the Lord: “repentance and forgiveness of sins.” Jesus is
the Lamb who was slain and is worthy to receive power and riches, wisdom and
strength, honor, glory, and praise. It is with this power that he accompanies
the preaching of Peter and the disciples. With his power, he provides the catch
for the disciples’ nets. He who was raised on the Cross now draws all people
back to himself. The disciples, who were the first recipients of his
forgiveness, now gather together what were scattered by sin and bring them back
to the Lord. Theirs is a message of forgiveness. Our repentance, our return to
him, will be our salvation.
O Mary conceived without sin, pray
for us who have recourse to thee!
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