Jesus, I trust in you!

“Jesus resolutely determined to
journey to Jerusalem…” These words of St. Luke fittingly describe the life and
mission of Jesus on earth. The very purpose of his coming to earth is
proclaimed by the Nicene Creed: “For us men and for our salvation, he came down
from heaven…” And in the life of Jesus, this is exactly what Jerusalem stood
for: our Salvation. Jerusalem was the place where prophets were killed.
Jerusalem was where Jesus would be crucified and be offered as a sacrifice in
atonement for our sins. This is why his life on earth was a journey, a resolute
journey towards Jerusalem. The adverb used is “resolutely”…desididong desidido.
His mind was made up. His will is sure. This is the reason why he was sent.
This was the reason why he came. If he did not go up to Jerusalem, his
incarnation would be rendered useless. (Sometimes, I go to the mall with the
clear intent of buying an item but eventually I get distracted by other things
and end up going home with some other items without the original intent of the
mall trip. Then the trip becomes useless.) He simply had to go to do his
Father’s will.
Not even the rejection by a
Samaritan town dissuaded him from his purpose. Of course, James and John felt
insulted for him. They even wanted to call down fire from heaven to consume
them. But Jesus was not sent into the world to condemn the world. He was sent
to save it. And so, he rebuked them. The fire and brimstone will come at the
end of time. But for now, it will be a time of mercy. His journey to Jerusalem
was a journey of mercy. He journeys to the Cross where he shall obtain mercy
for all. On the Cross, he will not exclude the inhospitable Samaritan town from
his prayer for mercy. He will not exclude anyone…not even his persecutors. He
will open wide the gates of mercy and invite all to enter. In fact, he did not
even wait to reach Jerusalem. As they journeyed, he invited people to follow
him. Many of us limit this passage as an invitation to priestly and religious
vocation. We miss the fact that the invitation to follow him is actually an
invitation to accept grace and mercy. It is an invitation to holiness. (St.
Jose Maria Escriva said that not all of us can become rich, wise, and famous.
But all of us can become Saints. In fact, we do not even have to leave our work
and enter the monastery to become holy. Even the most common tasks of everyday
can be an instrument for sanctification.) It is an invitation to salvation. And
none can be more important than what he has to offer. Worldly security cannot
measure up to the of the Father’s love (foxes have lairs, birds of the sky of
nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to rest his head). During a storm, foxes
are afraid that their lairs will be flooded. During a hurricane, birds are
afraid that their nests will fall to the ground. But even in the midst of a
storm, Jesus is able to sleep tightly, to rest secure because he knows he rests
in his Father’s embrace. No earthly relationship should even hinder us from a
mission as great as the proclamation of the Kingdom of God (Let the dead bury
their dead. But you, go and proclaim the Kingdom of God). Notice that once you
have accepted the invitation to follow Jesus, you have found life. They who
have rejected the invitation remain dead. So let the dead bury their dead. But
you have found life. You have found joy. Share now to others what you have
found. Give them a chance to possess what you now have. Proclaim the kingdom of
God. Nothing can be deemed as more valuable than the Kingdom of God (No one who
sets a hand to the plow and looks to what was left behind is fit for the
Kingdom of God). I remember that story in Genesis when God set the burning of
Sodom and Gomorrah with fire and brimstone. He sent angels to rescue Lot and
his family from the impending doom. Lot’s family was told to flee as fast as
they can to the next town and not to look back. But Lot’s wife looked back.
Perhaps, she looked back at the property she left behind. Perhaps, she looked
back at her friends and neighbors. She looked back and became a pillar of salt.
As St. Ignatius said:
Word, only begotten Son of God,
Teach me true generosity.
Teach me to serve you as you deserve.
To give without counting the cost,
To fight heedless of wounds,
To labor without seeking rest,
To sacrifice myself without thought of any reward
Save the knowledge that I have done your will.
Sr. Cecilia OCD of Argentina at the moment of death |
Let us willingly accept Christ’s offer of grace and mercy. It is
an offer given right now. (TV shopping networks advertise with a sense of
urgency: Call now. If you buy now, we will add this item and another item more.
But wait, there’s more… there’s a discount. The same is true with Jesus. He
gives the offer right now.) Let us not delay our response. It is so good an
offer that accepting it is its own reward. God himself, his love, is the reward
which no one can offer us but Christ himself. “You will show me the path of
life, fullness of joys in your presence, the delights at your right hand
forever.” (Last night, over facebook was a picture of Sr. Cecilia of the Carmel
of Santa Fe in Argentina. She suffered lung cancer, an extremely painful
disease. But at the moment of her death, she had a very sweet smile on her
face. In the photograph, she looks like a lover who has arrived to the encounter she
has long been yearning for. This Carmelite nun shows us what we mean when we
say: You will show me fullness of joys in your presence.) In Jesus is found
fullness of joy. It is worth everything. We need not count the cost.
O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to