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The Sanctuary at Passiontide |
The sanctuary looks gloomier
today on account of the veiling of the crucifixes and sacred images. Once more
we are reminded of the proximity of Holy Week. In the old calendar, we used to
say that we have entered Passiontide. This means that we begin commemorating
the sufferings of our Savior. Therefore, we mourn over his suffering and death.
We also mourn for our sins which brought him to suffering.
But for our Lord, the approach of
the days of his suffering is not an occasion for sadness. He said: “The hour
has come for the Son of Man to be glorified.” What to the world seem to be days
of pain and sorrow, to the Lord, these are days of glory. Again, the Lord
upsets the thinking of the world. “Glory” means honor, public praise, and fame.
Thus, to the world, it would mean popularity and public adulation. But to the
Lord, it would mean humiliation and suffering. In other words, the glory of
Christ is the Cross.

The Father honored Jesus by
declaring that he is well pleased with the Son whom he loves. Because Jesus
humbled himself and obediently accepted death on the Cross, God highly exalted
him and gave him a Name which is above all other names. He draws all people to
his Son who was lifted up on the wood of the Cross. If we are to follow Jesus, we are to follow
him along the same way of the Cross. If we are to serve him, we will serve him
by our self denial. “Therefore, take courage,” says St. Teresa, “Let us…weave
this little cocoon by getting rid of our self-love and self-will, our
attachment to any earthly thing, and by performing deeds of penance, prayer,
mortification, obedience…Let it die; let this silkworm die…And you will see how
we see God, as well as ourselves placed in his greatness, as is this little
silkworm within its cocoon…When the soul is truly dead to the world, a little
white butterfly comes forth.” Jesus was made perfect by what he suffered. In
like manner shall we be transformed if we deny ourselves, take up our cross and
follow him.
Jesus, I trust in you. O Mary
conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee!