Thanks to Arte Bautista for this picture of the Crucifix in our parish |
Last Sunday, the ISIS released a
new video this time showing the beheading of 21 Egyptian men who were all
Coptic Christians. In the video, these Egyptians were called “people of the
Cross.” In fact, as the camera took a close up shot of each of the men, some of
them were seen with their lips moving in prayer to the Lord Jesus. These 21 men
were definitely victorious martyrs of the Faith because they all died for being
A friend of mine posted this
status on his Facebook account. I did not ask permission from him but I think
(and hope) that he would not mind. He wrote: “The Coptic Orthodox Christians of
Egypt, who are now in the news.... they fast 210 days a year, they stand 5-6
hours in their Sunday liturgies, they guard the oldest Christian monasteries
and the sacred sites that mark the journey of the Holy Family into Egypt, they
have crosses tattooed into their arms or wrists (which means they can't hide
their Christian identity), they have a 9-hour fast before communion, their
clergy are always required to hold a cross in their right hand (essentially
marking them out as targets), they have endured 1,400 years of unrelenting
discrimination with bouts of bloody persecution. And they have survived,
comprising 10 - 20% of the Egyptian population despite all of that. Sure, they
have very real problems in their community too, but whenever I read of my
fellow Catholics wailing at the 2 days of fasting we have, the 1-hour
Eucharistic fast, the scant few minutes of kneeling we have to do on Sundays,
and other very light obligations we have, I always, always think of them.”
Today, we begin our Lenten
journey with a day of fasting, prayer, and almsgiving. The unusually large
number of all of you here present speaks of how Ash Wednesday is very close to
our hearts. Although it is not a holyday of obligation, many of us want to be
here just do that we could have our foreheads signed with ashes. (Well, some
might cheat their way out of the fasting part by saying that they have Chinese
ancestry or that they forgot to fast – even though they have the ashes to
remind them of it) The strange part of it all is that the Lord repeatedly
warned us: “Take care not to perform righteous deeds in order that people might
see them.” We are supposed to give alms, fast, and pray in secret because our
religious acts are not for public entertainment but are simply for the
appreciation of the Father who sees everything in secret. And this is true: we
keep our fasting, our prayer, and our almsgiving secret. However, there is one
thing we could not keep hidden: the mark of the cross made out of ashes on our
forehead. First, we wear ashes on our foreheads not as a sign of humility…but
rather as a sign of humiliation. Embarrassing as it may, we publicly admit who
we were: We are dust and to dust we shall return. If I may use the words of
Pope Francis himself: Ash Wednesday reminds us that we are not God. Second, we
are marked with the sign of the Cross on our foreheads. Such undeniably
identifies us as a people of the Cross. If the Copts have the Cross tattooed on
their wrists and so find difficulty in hiding their Christian identity, so also
the Cross on our foreheads this day will undeniably identify us as people of
the Cross. And is it not true that we would rather keep our Christian identity
to ourselves. We have gotten it all wrong. The Lord Jesus himself said that we
should keep our righteous deeds secret but not our Christian identity. If we
acknowledge him before men, he will acknowledge us before his Father. and this
Christian identity is strengthened by the 3 acts that we should secretly
perform: fasting, almsgiving, and prayer. Fasting decreases our attachment to
sin and fortifies our love for the Cross. Almsgiving increases in us the virtue
of charity. Prayer deepens our communion with the Lord. By these righteous
acts, we become what we truly are: People of the Cross. “In my flesh,” said St.
Paul, “I endure the sufferings which Christ has still to endure for the sake of
his body, the Church.”
Let us keep this day of penance in solidarity with those
who endure immense sufferings from the hands of their persecutors. Let us keep
this season of penance. Let us not neglect to fast, pray, and love. By doing
so, our faith becomes firmer, our hope increases, and our love becomes more
ardent. In communion with the persecuted Christians, we implore the Lord:
“Spare, O Lord, your people, and make not your heritage a reproach, with the
nations ruling over them! Why should they say among the peoples, ‘Where is
their God?’”
Jesus, I trust in you. O Mary
conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee!