Praised be Jesus, Mary, and Joseph
In the Parable of the Good
Samaritan, we saw how the Lord Jesus is himself our neighbor because he is the
one who treats us with mercy. It is this light of being our neighbor that the
Lord is shown as accepting the hospitality of his friends. In the first
reading, he accepts the hospitality of Abraham. In the Gospel, he accepts the
hospitality of Martha and Mary, the sisters of Lazarus. In fact there were
other occasions when the Lord accepted the invitation for him to visit homes
and eat at the table of friends: he entered into the homes of Simon the
Pharisee, Levi the Tax collector, and also Zacchaeus, another tax collector. As
the good neighbor, he allows himself to be invited…and even seeks to be invited
by us: “Behold, I stand at the door and knock,” says the Lord, “if anyone hears
my voice and opens the door to me, I will enter his house and dine with him and
he with me.” He is the Divine Neighbor who accords us the honor of his visit
into our homes.

anxiety and worry about many things kept her from giving the Lord her full
attention – which was all that the Lord wanted from her. Of course, she served
him and looked after his needs. But the Lord did not visit her to be fed. He
visited the sisters to feed them with the Words of Everlasting life. Coming in
and out of the kitchen, Martha was physically present, but her mind and heart
were absent. Choosing to sit at the Lord’s feet to listen to him speak, Mary
chose the better part. She gave the Lord her full attention. She was not just
present physically. Her mind and her heart were present to the Lord as well.
Giving the Lord her full attention, Mary allowed the Lord to transform her by
his visit. As Abraham’s life was transformed by the Lord’s visit, so was Mary’s
life transformed also by the Lord’s visit. The Lord wanted Martha to do the
same – to give him her full attention because he wishes to impart with her the
words of eternal life.
the Lord will do the same for us today. He knocks at the door. He asks that he
be received “under our roof.” He wishes to heal our souls and this he will do
if only we allow him to enter into our bodies during holy Communion. But once
we receive him in Communion, he asks that he be given our full attention. We
might waste the potential of this Divine Encounter if, upon receiving him, we
rush outside the Church into the parking lot because we are in a hurry to do
the chores we intend to accomplish this week-end. Sayang kasi ang bakasyon. But by saying so, we miss the point of
the Sunday rest. On this day, we abstain from servile work so that we can give
the Lord our full attention. The Sunday rest accords us the opportunity to
offer the Lord the time which we usually fail to give him. It is not good to be
busy always. We must take time to smell the flowers or better yet, we must take
time out to sit at the Lord’s feet to listen to him speak. Give him your full
attention. Give him your time. He knocks at the door of your heart. Open it and
let him in today and every Sunday. The Lord wants to dine with you today.
Jesus, I trust in you. O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee!